Household of Faith
Come here the powerful speaking of Dr. Ron Archer! This Sunday morning at 10 AM, and Monday through Wednesday at 7PM. Guest speakers will also be with us October 18th & 19th at 7PM.
Service Time
Sunday service is at 10:00AM. We also have a Wednesday night "Overcomers" service at 7:00PM with a free meal served at 6:30PM. Join us!
Click here to see all of the meetings and programs we offer at Household of Faith.
Household of Faith is a Non-Denominational church which has a foundation in the Bible that is focused on serving all of God's children.
"Doing good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith"
Galatians 6:9-10
Household of Faith is a non-denominational church located in the south east suburbs of St. Paul whose focus is to help those in need in our community of St. Paul Park.
Our women's ministry is designed to help women grow and establish a deeper relationship with God. We help facilitate the deep change that every woman needs to get to the next level in their walk with God. These meetings happen on Monday nights at 6:30pm and we discuss core issues like fear, pride and deceit. On the first Saturday of every month at 10:00am, we host an in-depth study on the Word of God.
After every service, feel free to help yourself to any of the baked goods and other food available that is generously donated by Hy-Vee. Plastic bags provided.
Make sure to hit that "like" on our Facebook page Household of Faith (@hofchurchstpaulparkmn) and turn those notifications on for when we go live for our Sunday service and big announcements. Great way to stay up to date with upcoming events.
Worship With Us
Reverend Mike Ball leads our vibrant worship team at Household of Faith church. Mike records and produces original music and shares his powerful story of recovery and redemption through his music ministry, Blood like Wine. Read his testimony here.